Conference Overview

Sky-high valuations and venture capital boom times may be over for now, but M&A is still on the table. Despite the uncertainty in the marketplace, Canadian tech remains home to attractive assets and dynamic dealmakers. has been educating technology entrepreneurs on the role M&A can play to increase shareholder value on both the sell side and buy side since 2017. By attending, you’ll gain tangible tips to help you react confidently to acquisition opportunities — how to respond, negotiate, structure and successfully close deals. Most importantly, you will hear from the biggest acquisition and exit success stories and connect with the players that made them happen.


Main Stage

Get inspired, learn, and hear from the biggest acquisition and exit success stories from this past year and connect with the players that made them happen.



Must-attend sessions to learn how to acquire a technology company and what pitfalls to avoid.


Getting Acquired

Tactical sessions on what it takes to get ready for an acquisition, even if you have no plans to sell.

Topics Addressed:

The State of Tech M&A

Learn about market dynamics, market maps, partners, key sectors, trends, multiples, industry consolidation, new business avenues, liquidity options & more.

Establishing Your M&A Mindset

Learn the M&A process, roadmap, and steps to successfully plan for both sell-side and buy-side acquisitions. Learn how to operate and run your business while embedding process that will improve M&A outcomes.

More Than You Think! Your Exit Options  

Exit options for tech companies, and their investors, were relatively straightforward for years — the companies could either go public or be acquired. Now the menu of possible options has significantly expanded. 

Navigating exit options requires careful thought and analysis of the relative strength of the company, the makeup of the investors, and the ultimate long-term goals of the founders and investors. While this can be overwhelming for founders, this session will better equip you with different exit options.  

Building the Foundational Building Blocks of M&A 

Whether you want to be ready for a knock on the door, or you are embarking on an acquisition strategy, it takes time (and in some cases years) to check all the boxes. Early and measured preparation is key throughout all phases of the process – from strategy to integration. Operating efficiently, professionalizing processes, limiting vulnerabilities around IP, source code and accounting records are just some of the things to take into consideration. This session will showcase the most comprehensive, essential must-dos to get M&A ready. 

Founder Acquisition Stories Untold

A behind-the-scenes tell all from tech entrepreneurs with exits who have been there before. What worked, what didn’t, and what they would do differently given the chance.

Your M&A Growth Strategy

Learn everything you need to know when buying a technology company. How to spot strategic opportunities, what to look out for, what to avoid, how to successfully onboard acquired companies and how/when to build your corporate development team.

Partial Exits & Two-Part Exits

Learn about recapitalizations and other liquidity options that may allow you to take chips off the table.

Deal Terms, Types and Negotiation Tactics

Learn about common deal types, expected agreement terms, and ways to retain and enhance bargaining power.  Deep dive into how a professionally managed process can exponentially increase proceeds.

Building out M&A: Are You Bringing in the Right Expertise?  

Understand what the ideal M&A team is, how to select the best external or internal talent for your business, what your M&A team will cost and how they are compensated. 

Deal Killers

Learn tools and advice to avoid acquisition pitfalls including how to avoid “deal fatigue,” how to handle confidentiality and how to ensure things don’t go off the rails during the due diligence phase.

The People & Talent Side of M&A 

The people side of M&A is massive yet is so often often overlooked. Even though keeping the right talent is key to the long-term success of an M&A, properly managing people through the change is often neglected in the whirlwind of other M&A activities. What can Founders and their teams do to ensure that employees don’t just become an afterthought? 

The Most Attractive Deals Right Now: Profitable and Growing 

It's no surprise: buyers are interested in well-performing, capital-efficient companies. Companies that have exhibited strong margin profiles and minimal cyclicality. The pool of quality deals has shrunk relative to the amount of capital looking to be deployed, meaning there’s a fight for quality. Learn more recently exited, capital-efficient Founders. Learn more from the Investors who are actively looking.  

The Entrepreneur’s Experience Post-Acquisition 

Getting acquired is one thing, effectively integrating into the acquirer is another.  

What happens after the deal has (seemingly) crossed the finish line? Furthermore, what is post-merger integration, and how to get it right? 

Learn about the importance of M&A integration, process and best practices. Learn the challenges of integrating products, companies, teams and cultures and how to overcome them. 

Board Governance + M&A 

Evaluating M&A opportunities can be the highest stake's role a board plays — and the most frustrating. Although some companies make regular acquisitions a part of their corporate strategy, most are occasional, stressful events that involve many uncertainties.  

Board actions and decisions get made on a hurry-up-and-wait basis. Decisions reached today are second-guessed for years to come. And often, no matter how diligently the board acts, there is an information mismatch between what the board needs to know to make the best decisions and what it gets from leadership.  

Learn all Board Governance, its role in M&A and how to do it right.

Valuations In 2023 

It is not the go-go days anymore. Are there still opportunities to be sold? Where are valuations currently? Understand the different drivers when it comes to your company's valuation. Learn historical and future valuations including the metrics that matter to buyers and the ones that are most likely to lead to a favorable acquisition.  

Ins & Outs of Due Diligence 

If you’re a startup looking to strike a fundraising deal or close a merger or acquisition, you’ll eventually have to deal with due diligence. The process can be complex, time-consuming, exhausting and stressful, given what’s at stake. But it's not that tough IF you take time to prepare well. Learn what a thoughtful Due Diligence process looks like. 

In the Mind of Your Acquirer

Understand different potential buyers for your organization including strategic and private/growth equity, financial buyers and their motivations. Dive into the metrics your potential acquirer is looking for.

And More! is the go-to event for technology industry players who want to understand the ins and outs of both selling and buying technology companies.