Exit options for tech companies, and their investors, were relatively straightforward for years — the companies could either go public or be acquired. Now the menu of possible options has significantly expanded.

Navigating exit options requires careful thought and analysis of the relative strength of the company, the makeup of the investors, and the ultimate long-term goals of the founders and investors. While this can be overwhelming for founders, this session will better equip you with different exit options. Ultimately, this session can better guide you toward what is right for your company.

In this session, we’ll discuss:

  • Considerations for different deal structures
  • How do you get the most out of your company if you aren’t growing and profitable: Distressed M&A opportunities, options and realities
  • Transactions – what we’ll see in 2023 given the market: All stock deals, acquires and more.
  • There are several ways to exit a company. Explore and compare strategic, venture, PE, etc.
  • And more!
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